Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Time for an update

It has been a while since I have posted an update. Things have been going fairly well lately. I have been keeping up with my meds, going to group, seeing my therapist etc. Doing everything that I said I would do. I am adding 2 new things into my recovery process. I am adding an exercise element. Just to get me off my ass. Hit the gym a few times a week and take the dogs for more walks. I need it and they need it so that should be good. I also joined another support group. This one is put on by NAMI. Probably a little more formal than the FaceIt one I go to. I like Faceit but I dont feel like I am getting a whole lot out of it. Not many people talk much and it ends up kind of boring. I feel like I am able to help others but I am not getting anything in return if that makes sense. I like the guys that run it and believe in their mission. I just dont know how much I am benefitting from it. So maybe by attending the NAMI one I will be able to compare and get something out of it. We will see.

Things with my wife are getting better. We had some issues the past week. One of my friends got married and asked me to be in the wedding as the Best man. I obliged as that is something you don't say no to. I don't see us as being THAT close but I wanted to be there for him. This is his second marriage and he met his new wife while he was still married to his 1st wife and my wife is adamant that he cheated on her and so she doesn't support the marriage at all. I agree that cheating is not right but their marriage was dead anyway and he is incredibly happy now and married her so whatever. The wedding was adult only (no kids) so this was the perfect reason for her to miss the wedding. It felt really weird without her there and doing it stag. I got tired of deflecting on why Jessica wasnt there. I really wish she would have gone and supported me and spent time with me. It would have been a great date night either way.

Thats it for now.

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